The Step Ahead of Financial Crime

The Step Ahead of Financial Crime

Discover leading expertise, key insights and new perspectives on Financial Crime Prevention.

Combatting Financial Crime with GDPR Assured

Navigating at the intersection between AML and GDPR is a major challenge for many companies. Advisense has taken a lead to address this complex issue area, combining expertise from our financial crime and data privacy teams. 

Navigating the Bermuda Triangle of Compliance

Privacy today relates to data and the risks associated with the collection, storage, and use of data. Consequently, this inherent conflict of rights and interests is on the agenda.

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Compliance at the Intersection Between Protection & Prevention 

The Court of Justice of the European Union has delivered two decisions in a short period of time which may significantly affect how AML intersect with GDPR.

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Borderlines of Unlawfulness?

The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY) recently granted a major Nordic bank the permission to process personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences.

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AML State of Play


The new report State of Play Denmark confirms that financial institutions in Denmark are struggling under the burden of increasing regulatory requirements on anti-money laundering. Efforts have little impact and financial crime continues to thrive. Meanwhile, there are increasing concerns about the cost of compliance and the lack of competence.

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There is strong support on board level for financial crime prevention and massive investments have been made. The AML State of Play Sweden shows that AML compliance however remains a persistent challenge, explained by a lack of competence across functions, legacy systems in parallel with constant regulatory updates.

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Our Services

Fraud Prevention

Fraud is a growing concern and outpacing other forms of financial crime at historical speed. Internal and external fraud, social engineering, infiltration, and investment fraud are on the rise.  Talk to our experts about fraud risk assessment and prevention, systems solutions, organization and processes.

Ronny Gustavsson

Director & Head of Financial Crime Prevention

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

Bribery and corruption are enablers for other financial crimes including fraud, money laundering, embezzlement as well as abuse of insider information, infiltration and misuse of business secrets. Without effective anti-corruption measures, other financial crimes including ESG risks cannot be addressed.

Louise Brown


International Sanctions Management

Our knowledge of how to work with screening and monitoring systems can help you effectively manage international sanction regulations and adjust progressively. Talk to us about international sanctions from the EU, USA, UK and other jurisdictions.

Lars von Ehrenheim

Director, Financial Crime Prevention

AML & Counter Terrorist Financing

Money laundering and terrorist financing are constant and growing concerns on a global scale. Advisense’s industry practice is an optimal resource for evaluating your AML-systems and identify potential efficiency gains.

Jonas Karlsson


Our Full Service Offering in
Financial Crime Prevention