In EBA’s Consultation paper on Draft Guidelines on the management of ESG risks[1] published on the 18th of January 2024, EBA continues to clarify requirements on management of ESG risks. The guidelines outlay requirements and minimum standards for the ESG risk management that financial institutions should have in place for short- (less than 3 years), medium- (3-5 years), and long-term (including at least 10 years) horizons and is planned to be finalized by end of 2024. A central point is that identification and management of ESG risks should be embedded in the regular risk management framework of an institution. At the same time the guideline specifies a range of metrics that serve as a minimum standard to be included in the management of ESG risks. For example, the ESG risks that needs to be included in banks´ ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) and ILAAP (Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process), should impact pricing and processes to collect as well as create insights of respective ESG data. A financial institution is expected to have the relevant competence to evaluate ESG risks efficiently and to collect and draw insights for relevant data. This can imply a cumbersome and costly challenge for financial institutions in general and especially for SNCIs – but also an opportunity.
In the following, the main requirements banks must comply with will be presented and how an institution that has not been able to properly prioritize ESG risk management could approach this.
Since the new guidelines include a relatively high level of detail and granularity on ESG data and monitoring, the focus in this section will be on these two topics. Proportionality and materiality will also be summarized below. Other areas such as ESG risk management principles, ICAAP and ILAAP, strategies and business models, Internal culture and control etc. will be covered more briefly.
Institutions should collect and analyze necessary data and information as well as seek to improve ESG data quality over time. The collection of data should include data points that are current as well as forward looking. The data should be collected on client level by, for example, designing questionnaires that are filled out at time of credit origination and at recurring review of credits, publicly disclosed data on client level, and on asset-level if relevant.
For large corporate counterparties there are nine specific types of data for environmental risks such as current and forecasted greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption etc. that should be taken into account as a minimum. For social and governance risks, five types of data are specified, including negative impact on local communities and governance practices.
ESG risks should be monitored continuously – on portfolio but also on counterparty and single exposure level. Considerations on ESG risks should be incorporated in regular credit reviews for medium-sized and larger counterparties and/or by increasing the frequency and granularity of these reviews from an ESG risk perspective.
Institutions should implement early warning indicators, set limits and/or thresholds and have plans in place for taking mitigating actions in case limits are exceeded.
The requirements are relatively extensive, institutions should use at least the following indicators to monitor ESG risks (SNIs need to consider using these):
The general principle of proportionality is applicable to the internal governance and risk management of ESG risks. All institutions should implement ESG risk management approaches that reflect the materiality of ESG risk associated with their business model. Small and non-complex institutions (SNCI) may implement less sophisticated risk arrangements such as using less granular methodologies and rely to a larger degree on qualitative considerations or estimates and proxies, if it does not impact their ability to manage ESG risks in a safe and prudent manner in line with their materiality assessment.
Materiality of ESG risks across short-, medium- and long-term time horizons should be assessed at least once per year (or every 2 years for SNCIs). The assessment should include:
As part of their ICAAP, institutions should document their ESG risk materiality assessments, including applied methodologies, limits/thresholds, main results and conclusions/actions drawn.
The new guidelines cover ESG risk management principles, Strategies and business models, Internal culture and capabilities, ICAAP and ILAAP, Credit risk policies & procedures and Risk appetite. A very high-level summary of what the guidelines mean for these areas is that ESG risks should be seamlessly embedded in all these areas. ESG risks should for example be included in ICAAP and ILAAP and in pricing of credit products and services and ESG risks must not be overlooked in an institution´s statement of risk appetite or the monitoring of it. ESG risks should be included in the short-, medium- and long-term; institutions are expected to have a continuous improvement process in place for their management of ESG risks.
Effective and prudent management of ESG risks is important for a sustainable world and might also unlock possibilities to new sources of funding. The paper is a clear sign that the topic has become a top priority for EBA and European Financial Supervisory Authorities, which with these guidelines continue to provide details on requirements. If an institution for some reason has applied a more laid-back approach to the “ESG risk management race”, it is now high time to increase efforts.
Our experience is that it can be difficult to know where to start when one is expected to collect data as soon as possible, for which in-depth “know how” is needed on ESG risks and what data to collect. An action plan could look like this:
This is also in line with the fact that ESG risk management is not just a one-time project but continuous work that should be integrated with existing risk management frameworks and practices and improved over time.
Learn more here.
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[1] https://www.eba.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2024-01/c94fd865-6990-4ba8-b74e-6d8ef73d8ea5/Consultation%20papaer%20on%20draft%20Guidelines%20on%20ESG%20risks%20management.pdf