Horizon Scanning and Regulatory Change Management

Stay on top of the latest regulatory changes.

Regulatory horizon scanning simplified.

Horizon Scanning and Regulatory Change Management On this page
Horizon Scanning and Regulatory Change Management

Staying on top of regulatory changes and upcoming regulation is essential for any regulated business. It is also a major challenge facing professionals in the financial industry.

Manually capturing, reading, and interpreting every regulatory change is time consuming, costly and prone to error. Particularly if you operate across multiple jurisdictions and geographies.

Jens Wergeni

Head of Tech Solutions

Nicolas Espinoza

CEO Grand

Platform to Proactively Navigate Regulatory Change

RegEye is a new regulatory horizon scanning platform focused on simplicity, relevance, and collaboration. It allows you to proactively manage regulatory change.

It automatically tracks, collects, and compiles news and updates from national and international authorities and associations around the world. As a result, busy compliance professionals can easily review and filter relevant regulatory change from hundreds of global sources.

With RegEye, you can collaborate with colleagues and external advisors, act on the results and follow the progress in your team. As a result, RegEye will enable you make better decisions and act on change in a timely manner.

Powerful tracking and auditing make it simple to demonstrate quality in your process and report documented actions to stakeholders and regulators alike.

RegEye Key Features

  • Select your sources. Access publications and updates from regulators, governments, trade associations and other relevant bodies from hundreds of global sources.
  • Filter your view. Select by relevant source or type of content, create your own categories and tags, personalize and adjust your experience.
  • Share and collaborate. Easily share articles with colleagues – add actions, comments, attachments, links and due dates. Allocate to teams and collaborate with external advisors
  • Manage activity. Track and manage your firm’s activity from reading and assigning to completing actions. View as a task list or diary. A comprehensive audit trail demonstrates effective control framework.

Key Benefits using RegEye

  • Efficient and time-saving monitoring
  • Simplifies internal processes and work flows
  • Easy to use
  • Allowing you to focus and act on relevant changes

Find out more about RegEye

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