Experts join Debatt i Lund to discuss “How corrupt is Sweden?”

Louise Brown, anticorruption expert at Advisense, participated in “Debatt i Lund” on April 2. The debate was about the current state of corruption in Sweden together with professor David Wästerfors, Chief Prosecutor Martin Bresman and Associate Professor Louise Bringselius. How corrupt is Sweden?
“Debatt i Lund” is hosted on a quarterly basis by Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences in collaboration with Akademiska Föreningen, the student unions of Lund University, and the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan. The forum debates current social issues and over the years, a number of renowned researchers, politicians, thought leaders and students have participated, including Mona Sahlin, Per Brinkemo, Göran Greider and Lawrence Lessig etc.
This session debated the current state of corruption in Sweden.
Watch the episode here.
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